BLL painting class, Cocktails and Canvas, will be held at the BLL Clubhouse on March 23rd, from 1-4 pm. BIG Long Lake's longtime resident artist extraordinaire, Carl Mosher, will be teaching the class this year...and he has a beautiful "Carl creation" for us to paint!! The cost of the class is $30, which due to the class size being held to 25, we are requiring attendees pay up front to hold their spot. You can pay Jill Struckholz or Denise Gaff. Carl has determined the class size as he will be assisting painters in personalizing their painting, such as making the fishing boat the color of your own fishing boat; maybe some would like the fisherman with a child or another fisherman in the boat, just as a couple of Carl's ideas. Carl states this painting is not as difficult as it may appear as he has templates for the fisherman and boat you can use if you wish. ( You would trace the template and then paint it in.)
Bring your own cocktails and be sure to be there a little before 1 pm so we'll have the full 3 hours to complete our paintings! Treats will be provided. Looking forward to seeing you there! Paint away the end-of-winter blues while enjoying time with our BLL friends!!!
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